Quality of Life of Children ages 4-16 years old with Atopic Dermatitis old using the Filipino translation of Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index Questionnaire (CDLQI) [Indeks ng Kalidad ng Buhay ng Pang-Dermatolohiya ng mga Bata (IKPaB)]

Rhia Adrienne R. Reburiano, MD
Shirley Lam Kwong-Buizon, MD

Fe Del Mundo Medical Center, Quezon City

Correspondence to: Rhia Adrienne R. Reburiano,
Mailing Address: One Uptown Residence BGC, 8th Avenue. corner 36th St, Taguig, 1630, Philippines
Tel: 09989997442, rhiareburiano.md@gmail.com

Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic and relapsing skin condition known to have a detrimental psychosocial impact in the pediatric population as well as a negative effect on their quality of life (QoL). This study determined the effect of AD on the QoL of patients ages 4-16 years old using the Filipino translation of Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index Questionnaire [Indeks ng Kalidad ng Buhay ng Pang-Dermatolohiya ng mga Bata (IKPaB)].
Methodology: Cross-sectional analytic study. The IKPaB was administered to 50 patients with AD diagnosed within the context of a baseline medical history, physical examination and United Kingdom Working Party’s diagnostic criteria. Ten questions, covering 6 areas of daily activities (symptoms/feelings, leisure, school or holidays, personal relationships, sleep and treatment), were answered using a 4-point Likert scale score from 0 to 3. The total score yielded a minimum score of 0 and a maximum score of 30. A higher IKPaB score indicated a greater degree of QoL impairment. Statistical analysis was done using the Z score and Mann-Whitney U test.
Results: In the 6 variables measured, a small effect of AD on the symptoms and feeling and school holiday, while no effect on leisure, personal relationship, sleep and treatment were noted. No statistical variations were noted between the life quality index of children when patients were grouped according to age, sex, body mass index, co- morbid conditions, parental education, employment, residence and family history of AD. Compounding all variables, the mean + SD score of 10.48 ± 5.05 showed a moderate effect on QoL.
Conclusions: AD of patients ages 4-16 years old had a moderate effect on QoL as predicted by the IKPaB.

Keywords: atopic dermatitis; quality of life, Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index, Indeks ng Kalidad ng Buhay ng Pang-Dermatolohiya ng mga Bata